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Trigger Setup

Event Generator Pulsar Function

There is a Pulsar function that aims to implement a Python based event generator, contained in functions/ This function is aided by a Python application ( that caches relevant incoming Pulsar messages into a Redis cache with timestamped storage and easy retrieval for the purposes of trigger evaluation. This python application will reside in its own separate Docker container. As an overview, a trigger can be established by creating a Trigger model instance. Evaluation of a trigger involves its condition and the condition variables used. The condition is a string that is evaluated in an Python-like interpreter.

Note: The file that contains the Pulsar function is prepended by an underscore to stop the pulsar function auto-discovery in from creating the function. will create this function once it can retrieve the input topics from the Django server.

Trigger Setup

To create a Trigger, you need to have some pre-requisites models first, starting with the ConditionVariable. The ConditionVariable is used during the Trigger condition evaluation, where it acts as a placeholder.


import data_collection.models as dcm
my_condition_var = dcm.ConditionVariable.objects.create(
    description="node state (e.g. unconfigured / active)",
    variable="node_state_var : /node/status.state",
from data_collection.factories import factories
my_condition_var = factories.ConditionVariableFactory(
    description="node state (e.g. unconfigured / active)",
    variable="node_state_var : /node/status.state",

The variable field should be in a similar format to the example: condition_variable_name : /topic/name.field_name.

condition_variable_name is the variable name used in the Trigger evaluation.

The topic name will be converted to underscores (i.e. /topic/name -> _topic_name) and used as part of a Pulsar topic name. The Pulsar tenant and namespace cannot be changed and are set to public and default respectively. The resulting full Pulsar topic in this example would be persistent://public/default/_node_status.

field_name signifies which key to use when replacing the condition_variable_name.

When a message is received, the message is expected to have key-value pairs, one of which should have a key indicated by the field_name part of the variable field. condition_variable_name is replaced with the value of that key-value pair and the condition on the Trigger is evaluated.

The example in this case will use the value from a message on Pulsar topic persistent://public/default/_node_status with a key of state and replace it wherever node_state_var appears in the Trigger's condition.


RequestedData is any other data that you wish to post to some API endpoint.

import data_collection.models as dcm
my_requested_data = dcm.RequestedData.objects.create(
    name="Node Subject",
    description="Get subject entity when node registers",
        "subject_entity": "/node/status.entity_name",
        "pose_source": "[http://localhost:8000/api/pose_sources/1/]",
        "cached_timestamp": "$TIME$",
from data_collection.factories import factories
my_requested_data = factories.RequestedDataFactory(
    name="Node Subject",
    description="Get subject entity when node registers",
        "subject_entity": "/node/status.entity_name",
        "pose_source": "[http://localhost:8000/api/pose_sources/1/]",
        "cached_timestamp": "$TIME$",

destination_url indicates where the data will be posted to. $EVENT$ is a special string that indicates that the newly created event should be the destination. Since the event url won't be known prior to creating it, the string acts as a workaround to attach relevant data to the event. Another possible destination is the poses API endpoint which will create a pose.

payload is a Python dictionary where the values are taken from message fields, similar to the ConditionVariable's variable field. If the value is enclosed in square brackets, that static data will be posted. If the value is $EVENT$ or $TIME$, it will be replaced with the associated event or a timezone-aware datetime of the current time respectively. In this example, the subject_entity's value is the entity_name field on a message from the Pulsar topic persistent://public/default/_node_status. The value of pose_source would be the literal string "http://localhost:8000/api/pose_sources/1/" regardless of the message contents. The value of cached_timestamp would be the time that the message is cached into Redis by


With these pieces in place, you can create a Trigger now.

import data_collection.models as dcm
    name="Node Online Trigger",
    description="Create event when a node comes online.",
    condition='node_state_var == "online"',
from data_collection.factories import factories
    name="Node Online Trigger",
    description="Create event when a node comes online.",
    condition='node_state_var == "online"',

key is a unique string that identifies the Trigger.

is_active is a flag that will tell the event generator whether or not to monitor the Trigger condition. The flag is currently only read on start-up. It won't update while the event generator is running.

creates_event is a flag that indicates whether or not the Trigger evaluation creates an event.

condition is a string that represents the Python-like expression that is evaluated as the condition for the Trigger.

condition_variables is a list of ConditionVariables that is used in the condition. It is an error if the condition contains any variables that doesn't have a corresponding condition_variable.

requested_dataset is a list of RequestedData that will be attached to their respective destinations if this Trigger evaluates True.

event_type is the default event type for events created by the Trigger. The event type can be overridden if it is present in the message for the Trigger. This is not used if creates_event is False.