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Metadata Keys/Values

Specifying metadata keys/values reduce the amount of data cleaning required for analysis and reporting, especially in cases where the user types information in. They provide a kind of template for events by suggesting the provided metadata keys and offering a dropdown list of values to assign to those keys.

Metadata Key

example_metadatakey = factories.MetadataKeyFactory(

Field Descriptions:

  • name: the unique name of the metadata key
  • description: the description of the metadata key
  • event_type_list: the list of event types this metadata key should be expected on
  • metadatavalue_set: the list of expected metadata values this key could be set to

Metadata Value

    description="Executed a behavior or maneuver as designed and expected within given tolerances and boundaries",

Field Descriptions:

  • name: the unique name of the metadata value
  • description: the description or long form text of the metadata value
  • metadata_keys: the list of metadata keys that this value could applied to

metadatavalue_set on MetadataKey and metadata_keys on MetadataValue do the same thing. Only one of these fields needs to be populated to tie the key and value together. There is no need to define them both.