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Entity States

Entity states add the ability to track how events affect entities, as well as modify entity appearance in the UI via point style overrides and transforms. The fields in the Entity State model describe entity point style overrides and transforms that will be serialized when an Entity is related to an Event (seen on the related_entities property on the event).


example_entity_state = factories.EntityStateFactory(
    point_style_animation_transform="Previous animation: {animation}",

Field Descriptions:

  • name: the name of the entity state
  • point_style_icon_transform: transforms or overrides the entity's icon, transforms must use keyword icon in curly braces. The above example would transform the icon string "test.svg" into "test_example.svg". Notice that transforms are applied before the file extension.
  • point_style_color_transform: transforms or overrides the entity's color, transforms must use keyword color in curly braces. Colors are represented as hex strings. If you are confident that the entity type point style color property does not include an alpha value, you could use the transform to add an alpha value. Otherwise, common use for this property would be to override the color entirely. The above example would transform the color string "#00FF00" into "#00AA00".
  • point_style_use_marker_pin_override: overrides the entity's use_marker_pin property. The above example would change the property "False" to "True".
  • point_style_marker_color_transform: transforms or overrides the entity's marker color, transforms must use keyword marker_color in curly braces. Colors are represented as hex strings. If you are confident that the entity type point style marker color property does not include an alpha value, you could use the transform to add an alpha value. Otherwise, common use for this property would be to override the marker color entirely. The above example would transform the color string "#00FF00" into "#00FF0033".
  • point_style_scale_factor_override: overrides the entity's scale_factor property. The above example would override the scale factor "3" into "7".
  • point_style_animation_transform: transforms or overrides the entity's animation color, transforms must use keyword animation in curly braces. The above example would change the animation "test" into "Previous animation: test".
  • point_style_render_as_symbol_override: overrides the entity's render_as_symbol property. The above example would change the property "False" to "True".

By default, the base point style will be inherited from the point style on the entity's type. Learn more about point styles here. The fields with the _transform suffix use a Python string format to inject the previous value (from the entity's point style) into the new value using the point style property name as the format argument. The fields with the _override suffix will do a direct value override. Overrides are also possible on _transform fields by omitting the point style property reference.

The state is then associated to the EntityEventRole that correlates to it.


example_role = factories.EntityEventRoleFactory(

Field Descriptions:

  • name: the name of the entity event role
  • metadata_key: event metadata key used to relate an entity to the event
  • entity_state: the entity state to apply to the entity related to the event
  • valid_event_types: entities will only be related to events of an event type listed in this field, or to an event of any type if none specified
  • valid_entity_types: entities will only be related to events if the entity's entity type is listed in this field, or will be related regardless of entity type if none specified
  • valid_entity_groups: entities will only be related to events if the entity is in an entity group listed in this field, or will be related regardless of entity group if none specified

In brief, entity event roles define the part an entity plays in an event.

When an event is created, the serializer will check the event metadata for the metadata_key instance defined in the EntityEventRole instance and validate its value. If the value of this key matches the name of an existing entity, the serializer will attempt to relate the entity to the event and apply the state to the entity.

You may optionally define entity types, event types, and entity_groups to qualify the entity for state transitions in the valid_entity_types, valid_event_types, and valid_entity_groups fields respectively. If either list is empty, a validation check will not be run on it.

Validated entities will be serialized in the related_entities property on the event along with their transformed point style. The names of entities that were found in the metadata but did not pass validation will be listed in the invalid_entities property on the event. If the entity does not exist, it will be listed in the unfound_entities property on the event.