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Game Clock


Often times within an experiment, it is beneficial to have a "game clock" view for experiment awareness. The Game Clock is essentially a message with a clock that can count up or down from significant events or times within a scenario.

The Game Clock is highly configurable, allowing the user to define clock sequences as well as responsive timers.

Getting Started

There are 3 steps to configuring the Game Clock:

  1. Define the clock phases
  2. Group phases into a clock configuration
  3. Assign clock configuration to a trial

Define the Clock Phase

The clock phase model has a number of fields that allow the game clock to be extremely configurable. Below is a table describing the options.

Field Description
message string: The displayed message for the clock phase
message_only boolean: Set true to hide the clock string
countdown boolean: true if clock counting down, false if counting up
duration_seconds (optional) integer: duration of clock phase in seconds
starts_with_datetime (optional) datetime: clock start time
starts_with_trial_start (optional) boolean: true if clock starts with trial start_datetime
starts_with_trial_end (optional) boolean: true if clock ends with trial end_datetime
starts_with_event_type (optional) EventType: type of event to trigger clock phase start
ends_with_datetime (optional) datetime: clock end time
ends_with_trial_start (optional) boolean: true if clock ends with trial start_datetime
ends_with_trial_end (optional) boolean: true if clock ends with trial end_datetime
ends_with_event_type (optional) EventType: type of event to trigger clock phase end

Currently clock phases can be pre-configured in the Mole configuration script, or they can be posted to the API.

Group Phases in Clock Configuration

The clock config model simply defines a timezone and a list of phases. The order of the phases in the list does not matter, Mole will infer the most appropriate phase given the state of the experiment and defined clock phases.

Assign Clock Configuration to Trial

The trial model has a clock config foreign relation, simply set this field with a reference to the clock config.

Example Game Clock Configuration

# define the clock phases
trial_phase_1 = factories.ClockPhaseFactory(
    message="Standing By",
trial_phase_2 = factories.ClockPhaseFactory(
    message="Time Until Setup",
trial_phase_3 = factories.ClockPhaseFactory(
    message="Pre-Run Checkout",
trial_phase_4 = factories.ClockPhaseFactory(
    message="Team Setup",
trial_phase_5 = factories.ClockPhaseFactory(
    message="5 minute countdown from maintenance stop event:",

# define the clock configuration
trial_clock = factories.ClockConfigFactory(
    name="Trial Clock",

# add phases to clock configuration
trial_clock.phases.add(trial_phase_1, trial_phase_2, trial_phase_3, trial_phase_4, trial_phase_5)

Multiple Clock Instances

The Game Clock allows multiple clock instances to run at the same time. By default, the primary clock will reference the clock configuration assigned to the current trial. There are a few different clocks that can run parallel to the current trial clock:

Reported Clock

The Reported Clock is the clock that always tracks the first "Reported" trial that has the same major and minor IDs as the current trial.

Minor Clock

The Minor Clock is the clock assigned to the "Minor Trial" that is related to the current trial. The Minor Trial has the same major and minor IDs as the current trial, but a zero for the micro ID.

Example: if the current trial's ID is 2.2.1, the Minor Trial's ID is 2.2.0.

Major Clock

The Major Clock is the clock assigned to the "Major Trial" that is related to the current trial. The Major Trial has the same major ID as the current trial, but zeros for the minor and micro IDs.

Example: if the current trial's ID is 2.2.1, the Minor Trial's ID is 2.0.0.

Angular Distinctions

In Angular, these different clocks are distinguished by the mole-timer-card input:

<!-- Current trial clock -->

<!-- Reported trial clock -->
<mole-timer-card [reported]="true"></mole-timer-card>

<!-- Minor trial clock -->
<mole-timer-card [minor]="true"></mole-timer-card>

<!-- Major trial clock -->
<mole-timer-card [major]="true"></mole-timer-card>